Edgeproxy Maintenance
Scheduled for Nov 7, 22:00 - 23:00 PST
We will be performing maintenance on edge proxy servers during evening hours that may cause some service disruptions to those customers that are not utilizing SRV records.

Half of each PoP range will be temporarily unavailable for 30 minutes at a time while the second half will remain active to allow for connections to continue.

To prevent issues during this maintenance window, please:
1) Use SRV records for US-East-VA and US-West-OR rather than signaling to individual IPs in that 16
block range
2) Whitelist ALL of the advertised IPs in the blocks to allow inbound calls coming from another

If the above redundancy measures are not in place:
1) In-flight calls will not drop, but new calls will NOT be able to be made or received
2) Re-INVITEs and BYEs may be missed
Posted Oct 30, 2024 - 11:45 PDT
This scheduled maintenance affects: Voice (Inbound Voice, Outbound Voice).